How to Increase Height?

How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
We all have different reasons to increase our height. Our height plays a very important role in our personality with the perfect height, -We look more attractive and smart.

Generally, Male's height increases at the age of 21 years.  

our height depends on many factors like - our Genes, Environment, Food, Sleep, etc.
There are two methods to increase our height naturally and artificially.

First, Let's Start With    

Daily Exercise, Healthy Food, Proper Sleep are some natural ways to increase our height. These natural methods play a good role in our oval health as well.
These are the best exercise to increase our height -

Stretching, Rope Skipping, Running, and Hanging.


There are many kinds of stretching and few of them are -

How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
We need to do exercise daily for almost 30 minutes. once or twice a day.  

Rope Skipping. 

How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
Rope skipping is a very effective way and it helps you to lose your weight and to increase your height as well all you need to do is rope skipping every morning and you can do it twice a day as well. You can start it by skipping 100 times per one round and that you can increase your skipping after some time.


How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
As rope skipping, Running is also very effective and it helps you to lose your weight and increase your height as well. You can jog and run in the morning and in the evening for 30-minute. Running boost you stamina and make you more energetic.


How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
Hanging is the best way to increase you’re the height you can hang in the park on the branch of a tree or in your home on the very strong area, Your body should be straight while hanging from the head to the toe and you can hang for 15 minutes or more.

Now let's talk about    
Healthy food.    

How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
Eggs, Beef, Vegetables, Walnuts, Seafood, Oily Fish, Honey, Milk, Bananas, Oyster.

These are such healthy food which can help you to increase your height. As you want to increase your height you have to be very determined especially for food you need to leave your fast food eating habit and strictly need to follow your diet. You can make your diet plan by yourself with the help of internet or you can make your diet plan with the help of gym trainer.

Now let’s talk about   
Proper Sleep      

How to Increase Height?
How to Increase Height?
You will not believe me but the proper sleep also plays a role in increasing your height your sleeping posture and sleeping time is very important. Your sleeping time and posture can help you to increase your height you need to take proper time sleep with a good posture.

Supine Posture
is the best posture to use while sleeping to increase your height.


Artificial methods contain surgeries, special shoes, and drugs.

  • Surgeries
  • Surgeries are expensive but your height will definitely increase by inches.
  • Special shoes
  • Special shoes are a good option but special shoes present you totally fake in Front of others.
  • Drugs
  • drugs are very risky because drugs can cause side effects on your health and can lead  to many serious health issues.  
You should try to go with natural ways they are little tough but their result will  be very effective.


Facts about height.

  • The world's tallest people are in the Netherlands, where men average nearly 6 feet tall.
  • The tallest person ever was Robert Wadlow.
  • The world's tallest living person, Sultan Kösen, stands at 8 feet 3 inches tall.
  • Research shows that tall people may have a lower risk of heart disease.
  • With Height Comes Cancer Risk
  • You Start 'Shrinking' at Age 40

How to Increase Height? How to Increase Height? Reviewed by theblogghub on June 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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