Stay Safe From Covid-19.

Safety Tips From Covid-19

Tips To Help You To Be Safe. 
Corona Virus is spreading very fast in the globe you can stop it by staying in your home and by applying the health tips which can save you, your family and even the world from Corona virus.

Hand wash.

Safety Tips From Covid-19

Hand-Wash is a no.1 tip from preventing the spread of corona virus. Hand wash must be done properly  with soap and water. If the soap and water are not available, the next best option is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Proper hand wash not only reduce the spread of the corona virus it can prevent and reduce the risk of getting other illness and infection such as cold, flu, MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), etc.

Steps For Proper Hand-Wash -

Step 1 - Put both your hands under clean, running water.
Step 2 - Apply soap properly on both sides of your hands and on your fingers. you need to wash your hand least 20 seconds.
Step 3 - Rub both hands together and move your fingertips around both hands.
Step 4 - Put your hands to the running water again and clean the soap.
Step 5 - Dry your hands with the help of the napkin or tissue paper and dispose that used paper in the dustbin.

When should we need to wash our hands?
  • After returning from a public place like grocery store, work, school, etc.
  • After shaking hands with someone.
  • Before, during, and after preparing food, especially raw food.
  • Before eating food.
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste.
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, etc.
Hand Sanitizer.

Just apply some drop of sanitizer and rub it all over your hands and your hand is clean. You can use the sanitizer instead of water and soap in the same situation in which we need use water and soap. Alcohol based hand sanitizer which contain at least 60% of alcohol is best in protecting you from germs and viruses. Carry a small size bottle of sanitizer with is a best option and you can keep big size of bottle in your home also. 

Cover your Mouth and Nose.

Safety Tips From Covid-19

You must use the mask to cover your face and nose.
Covering your mouth and nose is also very important step to prevent you from corona virus.

The World Health Organization says your entire mouth and nose should be covered, with no gaps between your face and the mask.
The CDC  (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) does not recommend people wear surgical or N95 masks and health experts stress that people should not have a false sense of security because they are wearing a mask because wearing mask is not going to work if you are not wearing it perfectly and not following other important steps to prevent you from the virus.

Always remember to wash your hands before putting the mask on your face
and make sure the mask is completely covering your face and secure it under your chin and most important that make sure you can breathe easily.

Be Safe And Wear Mask. If You Want To Buy This Masks

Don’t touch the face covering and if you do, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to disinfect​.
Take off your face mask carefully handle it from its loops always be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing your mask.

Don't touch your face and mask when you are wearing your mask.

Wear a to Protect you and Others.

Social Distance.

Safety Tips From Covid-19

According to study every virus can transfer from people to people very easily in comparison of thing like products social distancing is really going to help to control or stop the spreading the virus. First of all you should avoid to go out but if there in an emergency you should go out with the mask on your face and with the sanitizer in your pocket and you should  maintain the distance from people at least 6 feet (about 1.8 meters).

Avoid to touch your Eyes, Nose and Mouth.

Touching your eyes, nose and mouth is very risky because hand touch many surfaces and can pick up the virus and hand can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose and mouth  which can enter in your body and make you sick

when you are outside always avoid to touch your mask and try to not touch your eyes as well. Avoid to touch them in your home also but if there is any need to touch your eyes, nose and mouth you should first wash your hands properly with the soap and than you can touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

Handling and Preparing Food.

As always, good hygiene is important when handling food to prevent any food-borne illnesses

Food in Packing
Place the food in the clean utensils and dispose unnecessary packaging in the dustbin.

Food in Container
Take out the food in the clean utensils and dispose its container in the dustbin

Food in Cans
You can wipe the cans with clean disinfectant and open it or store it.

Some tips of  handing and preparing food -
  • Wash your food like vegetable/fruits before eating or cooking.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water at least 20 sec. before preparing any food.
  • Always use separate chopping board to prepare uncooked meat and fish.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 sec. before eating.
  • Always use clean utensils and plates.
You can become infected by touching a surface of object but at the present time there is no evidence that people become infected from food or packing.

The huge risk comes from being in close contact from people while shopping outside or receiving a food delivery.

Clean and disinfect surfaces around your home and work frequently.

Cleaning your home is also very important step to prevent yourself and your family from corona-virus always remember whenever you are cleaning your home always wear gloves and mask.
Disinfectant wipe and sprays  every corner of your home and thing properly because corona virus life is different on different surfaces.

Life of Corona-Virus on different surfaces.
  • Plastic - 3 Days 
  • Paper - 1 Day
  • Stainless Steel - 3 Days
  • Copper - 3 Days 
  • Fabric - 1 Day
  • Glass -  3 Days
  • Card board - 1 Day

Safety Tips From Covid-19
Stay Safe From Covid-19. Stay Safe From Covid-19. Reviewed by theblogghub on July 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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