6 Ways To Make Money Online.

During This Pandemic Crisis, Why Don't We Should Try to Learn New Skills and Make Online Money - Making Assets. There Are Many Online Money-Making Assets. During This Lockdown Many People Are Using This Time to Learn New Skills and Making Money Online. We Will Study Briefly About 6 Online Money-Making Assets.

Number 1 - Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is a good option to work online. To do Affiliate Marketing you should have a blog or Website, in the Affiliate Marketing all you need to do is you need to register yourself on the  E-commerce Website and then they will provide you, your Affiliate link, and then you need to share that link on your Website or Blog and promote the product. You can share that link on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram as well, and if someone will use your link and go on the E-commerce website and buy something you will get the commission from their purchase. You can understand the process by the diagram given below -

 Join - Promote - Earn

There are many online platforms from where you can do Affiliate Marking and they are absolutely free. I am mentioning some E-commerce website from where you can start Affiliate Marketing -

  • Amazon.com
  • Flipkart.com
  • Snapdeal.com
  • Myntra.com
  • Jabong.com

Number 2 - Blogging.

Blogging is one of the online money-making mode.
You can cover many topics on blogging.
You can write your own stories, poem or you can review some products, etc. You can write a blog online and make money. You need you to buy a domain and hosting but don't worry there are free options also
you can do free blogging on google product called Blogger. Blogger allows you to do free blogging.

Number 3 - YouTube.

Many YouTubers are earning a very good amount from YouTube.

Some people work on Youtuber as a a full-time job and some people work on YouTubers as part-time jobs.

Number 4 - App Creation.

You can make your own application there are two methods to make an application by coding (python, C++, etc.) or without coding with the help of some applications.
But if u will make an application by coding you can make your app according to your wish with an unlimited option but on another hand if u will make your application from the help of the application there will be a limited option and that will not stand to your idea properly.
But you can try both the option.
If u will make an application by coding
It will be a little difficult. Because first you need to get the knowledge about the coding.
To study and learn about the coding you can join courses online or offline. You can study books by yourself. You can download PDF of some coding books and you can take help from YouTube.

These are some books by which u can start to study about the coding.

  • General Programming Books
  • Coders at Work: Reflections on The Craft of Programming by Peter Seibel
  • The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
  • Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley

These are some applications to develop an application.

  • Appy Pie
  • AppMachine
  • GameSalad
  • BiznessApps

You can make a very good amount of money from your application. You can upload your app on the play store or u can sell your app directly to the companies.

Number 5 - Logo/ T-shirt Designing.
Logo designing and T-shirt designing is very interesting and creative idea to make
Online money.
You can design many things like the mug, key-chain, etc.
But most popular is a logo and t-shirt designing.
You can make your account on Fivver and start to get paid for your creativity and you can get the job on an e-commerce website to design their t-shirt. You can make your page on Facebook and Instagram and show your creative ideas and design on these platforms and you can design a t-shirt according to people’s choice.

Number 6 - Online Game Streaming.

Online game streaming is a very entertaining option to make money. In online game streaming gamer record himself/herself to the live audience.

  • Facebook live
  • YouTube live
  • Livestream
  • Bigo live

You will play, People will watch your game and they will pay you money for it. It means money from your entertainment.

6 Ways To Make Money Online. 6 Ways To Make Money Online. Reviewed by theblogghub on June 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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